Saturday, July 22, 2017

Joe's First Idea: Make a Blog

Happy Day of The Week, Stranger!

I don't know how you found this sorry corner of the internet, but as your browse I hope you'll be intrigued by the ideas, reports, updates and experiments found herein.

My main intent in creating this blog is to give myself a space to write and post projects. By projects I mean, well, pretty much anything. The first project I'll post is my brief article on mass shooters. I wrote it for a community college English 101 course, but it was more than a compulsory assignment -- I'm quite fascinated with school shooters, tragedies, the human condition, etc. It was a blast to gather research and compose some original thoughts on the subject for the paper.

I guess if you've gotten this far you may want to know a bit about me. Or maybe you don't. Oh well, I'll tell you anyways.

My name is Joe, I'm eighteen, and I love gathering information, forming opinions, talking to people, and generally exploring life. I'm not as confident as I'd like to be but I'm getting there. I'm also extremely into music; don't be surprised if I occasionally post a YouTube playlist of, say, late night writing music etc etc.

Well that's about it, this is just a blog where you'll find sporadic updates, musings, ideas, and writing projects.

Enjoy, Stranger!


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